Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lessons From History

Who would have thought that the ghost of Edna and her ATQs would still linger, among the residual remains of my Contract essay, no less. Although I really should be ashamed of myself, since ATQing should come naturally to any self-respecting Edna humanities student, it was one of those Sudden Grin moments that made everything seem less bleak.

But still, to ignore lesson from history would be undue folly. So now we know that the moment you get your exam paper, one should scrawl a large ATQ with vehement exclamation marks in some hideous colour, think of Crocs, and write as though your very life depended on it. Which was often true, in Edna's class.

Bless her and her ATQs, wherever she is.

1 comment:

ich said...

MEL! This leaves me half laughing and half wanting to cry.