Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Name Of The Song Currently Playing Is Rock With You

I always tell Moonie that I can't think of any decisions in my life that I regret making.

Partially because I don't like to look back at things, much less with regret, but mostly because I don't like being wrong (And regret does tend to make you realize that you were wrong).

But occasionally I think about them. All those thoughts and words, frozen midway. It fascinates me that that if I ignored those thoughts or caught those words before they left, that my life could possibly be in an entirely different sphere. It becomes even more complicated especially since lately, I'm not entirely sure if those words and thoughts were really from me, or really just the person I wanted to be. So small, and yet so big.

No one will say that any of the decisions I've made are bad ones. But sometimes I can't help but allow myself to wonder if despite all that I thought I stood for and believed in, I made those decisions because, really, I was just too afraid to make them any other way. And that now because of that, I'm somehow missing out.

This is troubling.

Still, no regrets.

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