Sunday, October 05, 2008

When I Talk To You; Leunig

Dear God,

We struggle, we grow weary, we grow tired.
We are exhausted, we are distressed, we despair.
We give up, we fall down, we let go.
We cry.
We are empty, we grown calm, we are ready, we wait quietly.

A small, shy truth arrives.
Arrives from without and within.
Arrives and is born.
Simple, steady clear.
Like a mirror, like a bell, like a flame.
Like rain in summer.
A precious truth arrives and is born within us.
Within our emptiness.

We accept it, we observe it, we absorb it.
We surrender to our bare truth.
We are nourished, we are changed.
We are blessed.
We rise up.

For this we give thanks.


I thought I knew, but I didn't. Help me not to forget this time.
Thank You.

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