Tuesday, August 26, 2008

She Sells Seashells By The Seashore

I learnt today that the bravery, it seems, is not in knowing precisely what to do and doing it.

For it is uncertainty and the possibility of error and futility that we fear most, and there is no bravery in the absence of fear. It is in an apparently dogged and foolish perseverance despite the constant clumsiness, the fumbling and falling; and the audacious belief in what is apparently contrary to all that we know and feel.

Courage, is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear. (Good old Mark Twain)

Help me not to dwell on yesterday, or worry about what will happen tomorrow; But to live each day for You, in all things, big or little alike.
Let not the dust of the earth blind me to that that has true and eternal value and put perspective in my eyes that I may have the wisdom to discern the important from the urgent and the bravery to do that which I must.

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